"Don't forget his little birthmark on his face"
"Draw her pretty"
"Don't draw him, too, fat. Hehe"
Anyways the event was topped off by having dogs get into fights under my lap easle, running into my easle, kicking over my supplies (over and over again), and a couple of dogs taken turns pissing on my jacket that was hanging from my chair. And not once did the owners tell their mutts to "stop" or "NO!." The only time I heard anyone tell their dog to "stop!" Was the guy that had to keep yelling at his dog to stop humping the other dogs. I had lots of fun.

A chocolate Lab

German Shepard

I heard that Dalmations were inbreed and spastic. So thats what I was trying to capture.

My favorite. I was happy how Rocky here came out.

This dog is called a Bingo. Yep just like the song. That black thing on his face was a birthmark( well thats what they called it anyways.) It came out looking like crap.

One of those Taco Bell dogs.

This was the culprit with the pink crayon that was trying to impregnate everyone.
these are AWESOME!! was this for Leel's new biz? I've done dog caricatures before, and yours look WAY more fun. Maybe I should take another look at doing it.
No it wasn't for Leel, but for a Vet. I think the key to them looking fun was I didn't try to capture every detail. I simplified as much as I can, and I had just read a Preston Blair book on animals so I would draw it out the way he instructed. It made it alot easier and took 1-2 minutes for the under sketch.
Those are great. Pet owners are insane, eh? Especially pet owners who bring their dogs to dog parks. Mmmmm, now I want a burrito.
Sweet sketches man! Dogs are tough but these look unique and full of personality. Nice.
hey dude good stuff i really like it
okay gabe, time for a new post!
Good stuff mon! Suddenly I want taco bell, or Chinese food...
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